
Two women smiling at a beach

Incremento significativo de turistas en Florida

Con más del 45% de la población mundial vacunada contra el Covid-19, las personas retoman lentamente sus actividades cotidianas. Dentro de esas actividades está viajar en las vacaciones, lo que resulta ser muy beneficioso para aquellos que están cansados del encierro. Las cifras de turismo en múltiples lugares del mundo han aumentado bastante durante el último año, en comparación con el año...

Two women smiling at a beach

Great increase in Florida tourism

With more than 45% of the world’s population vaccinated against Covid-19, people are slowly returning to their daily activities. Among those activities is traveling on vacation, which is very beneficial for those who are tired of the confinement. Tourism figures in multiple parts of the world have increased significantly over the past year, compared to the previous year. The United States had a 7%...

Disney reveals timelines for Guardians of the Galaxy Coaster and Star Wars Hotel

Walt Disney World next year will debut a new roller coaster-style ride and its cutting-edge Star Wars-themed hotel. The theme park giant will open the new Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind ride at Epcot sometime in 2022; and its new Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser immersive hotel will begin welcoming guests on March 1. Here’s more on each offering: Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic...

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