The city of Orlando is preparing its latest capital improvement program — tied to its annual budget — with several multimillion-dollar projects earmarked.
The proposal for the city prices the capital improvement plan for fiscal 2022 at $146.69 million. That is slightly down from the prior fiscal year’s adopted amount of $151.98 million.
The city’s capital improvement plan includes renovation and construction projects, as well as funds toward economic development programs and equipment replacement, among other uses.
The proposed budget includes:
For the city’s water reclamation general construction fund, which includes maintenance of lift stations and other water management facilities.
For general capital improvements, including parks, fire department equipment, IT and more.
For the community redevelopment agency, which includes funds for programs in the downtown community redevelopment area assisting businesses and local residents.
For the transportation impact fee southwest fund, which includes transportation projects in the southwest area of the city
The city will have public hearings tied to the budget and capital improvement plan on Sept. 13 and Sept. 27 before city council discussions. The budget then will be adopted on Oct. 1.
“The city’s capital improvement plan focuses on improvements across the city, and much of the plan involves projects that serve the entire city or large areas of the city, not any specific geographic area,” Samantha Holsten, spokeswoman for the city, told Orlando Business Journal.
Orlando’s five-year capital improvement plan document for fiscal-year 2022 to 2026 — which features a long-range look at what the city will prioritize for capital projects — will be compiled over the coming months.
Notable individual projects include:
$6.04 Million
For a new outdoor fire department training facility. The new center could cost a total $20 million over two phases.
$4 Million
For the realignment of Grand National Drive from Oakridge Road to Sand Lake Road. The Grand National realignment could cost $24.7 million.
$1 Million
For the second phase of the Pres. Barack Obama Parkway project, which would include a new four-lane divided roadway from MetroWest Boulevard to Raleigh Street over 0.8 miles. That entire second phase project could cost an estimated $12.4 million.
Besides new temporary construction jobs and direct capital investment, construction projects can provide additional benefits, Ken Simonson, chief economist for The Associated General Contractors of America, previously told OBJ.
“Those benefits could include improved attractiveness as a place to live or visit; greater safety, air or water quality; less congestion/improved travel times; etc.,” Simonson said. “All of these factors can also improve a locality’s attractiveness for businesses to locate or expand.”